Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lacquer Swirl Tile Necklace

Playing with 3D Crystal Lacquer and clear surfaces is way fun!!!  It is abstract, surreal, and wonderful patterns can be made.

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The tile I used is round with a hole so you can make it into a necklace.  The 3D Crystal Lacquer is on the back and my homemade graphic artwork is on the front.

Take the tile and turn it over to the flat side - that is the back.

I used 3D Crystal Lacquer in the Metallic colors.  I ran medium lines of color alternating from gold to blue, filling the back of the tile.

Using a toothpick, I swirled the colors together.  I like the free-form look that was created.

For more control, you can marbelize the colors by pulling the toothpick down in a line from top to bottom of tile, repeating moving to the right until there are blended lines all the way across.

There are lots of plastic or rubber blending tools for this, but since this is such a small surface, the toothpick works well.

Lastly, I added a pearl Mica Flakes.  Sakura Hobby  has all sorts of add-ins.

Let this all dry.  When dried, add a layer of clear 3D Crystal Lacquer to seal it all together.  You can wear this necklace on either side!  See how pretty the lacquered and mica flake side looks!

On the flip side, add your art.  Collage, or as I did, made a graphic sticker and added that.  You could add dimensional elements instead of collaging as well.  Squeeze a small puddle of 3D Crystal Lacquer and push your element into it.  When dried, the lacquer will hold the piece in place.

Add a jump ring through the hole and string the fiber through the jump ring, tie end and wear!!!!!

Think of the acrylic books, clear plastic sheets, mugs where you can blend lacquer colors and embellish.  Anything clear will work.

Cre8tively Yours - Lea